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I collect a Post-boxes, but it is no concern to business...

I was born near the Dnepropetrovsk in 1959, large industrial City on the Dnepr river (metallurgical, chemical, spaceship etc.)

In 1981 I graduated from Chemical department of Dnepropetrovsk State University. After that during 7 years (1981-1988) I worked in chemical research laboratory at the chemical department of Railways University.

In 1988 I started my research in field of history and philosophy of science at the Center for Scientific and Technological Potential and Science History Studies, National Academy of Science of Ukraine (STEP Center) in Kiev. My thesis called "Philosophical analysis of chemical-engineering activity and it environmental consequences".

I had defense my thesis in Institute of Philosophy National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kiev and have received Candidate degree (Ph.D.), Philosophy. That was in 1992.
Since that time I worked in different schools and Universities of Dnepropetrovsk City. In fall semester 1999 I was visiting researcher in History Department of University of Arizona. I had visited Harvard University Archive, Dibner History of science research Institute.

Maine field of my scientific interest now is globalistic, globalization and environmental, philosophy of education, philosophy of science (environmental, chemistry), history of science (same field). In Dnipropetrovsk I had founded together with professor Warfolomey Savchuk in 1995 All-City  Seminar on History and Philosophy of science, technique and education .
















Последнее обновление страницы 23 февраля 2009 г.
Copyright © 2001-2009,
Смотрицкий Е.Ю.

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Веб-дизайн: Смотрицкий Е.Ю.
Учитель и консультант:
Илья Швец.

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